Why Should I Register a Trademark Abroad?

In a rapidly globalizing world, brands have now become one of the keys to success in international business life. Therefore, in the rapidly increasing commercial competitive environment, your most important investment is your brand. Trademarks are protected only in the countries where they are registered. Companies considering a venture abroad should also register their brands abroad. Otherwise, there is a risk of finding similar trademarks in the exporting countries, and since the owner of the registered trademark has the main right, it may cause great material losses for the exporting company. As a result, companies operating abroad with their trademarks must register their trademarks in the countries they do business with in order to avoid any potential problems. For this reason, registration applications should be made in the countries where protection is requested.

How to Register a Trademark Abroad?

There is no valid registration system (which will be valid for all countries) all over the world. There are 3 collective registration systems that Turkey can benefit from: Community Trademark (CTM), Madrid Protocol and OAPI (African Union) collective registration practices.
• Community Trademark: It provides the opportunity to be registered in 27 European Union countries with a single application.
• Madrid Protocol: With the application made within this scope, protection can be provided for all or selected countries of over 70 member states.
• OAPI (African Union): With the registration system to be preferred, it is possible to apply for registration in 16 countries in a single application.

Collective registration system has some advantages as well as some disadvantages. Please call us for more precise information on the number of applications, the number of classes, and the countries to which the application will be made.

Apart from these, individual applications can be made for each country. Just like in Turkey (TPE), there are institutions specializing in trademark and industrial rights in almost every country in the world. Individual applications to these institutions are made through our company. Although the application forms, documents, requirements and procedures of each country are different, the tuition fees may also vary.

As KC Patent, we offer you fast and economical solutions for your international trademark & patent applications within the framework of the agreements we have made with foreign brand & patent offices.

For applications abroad, signatures and approvals are required by the ministry, consulate and some public institutions in Ankara.