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Teksan Pressure Tank Boiler İml.Ltd.Şti.

Adres: 1232. CADDE (ESKİ 40) 90

Tel 1: 0 (312) 385 87-34

Faks: 0 312 385 87 33

Email 1: info@teksanbombe.com

Web: http://www.teksanbombe.com

Bombe Manufacturing

Bombe Manufacturing

Cambers are indispensable equipment for pressure units, and they consist of different production structures with different types and properties, where pressure x thickness calculations are made in DIN EN and ISO standards. Our company provides services to bring the production of pressure cambers to the highest level by calculating the thickness and material type in the standard and by plastering method. The quality of the products you will buy from our company is processed in ISO standards, quality controls are carried out and they are carefully packaged and presented to our customers. Apart from these, it is also possible to use or sell press cambers in tanks if requested. With our high-capacity camber bending presses, it provides the processing of stainless, P type or S type sheets and sells cambers in retail.

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